Can Blu-Ray DVD PLAYERS play both... regular dvds, and HD dvds?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I'm debating whether to get a blu-ray dvd player, or a HD dvd player..

I know blu-ray dvd players can play special blu-ray discs, but can they also play HD dvds, and regular dvds?
HD-DVD has been dead for over a year now. Blu-ray won the battle between the two HD video formats. So it's a bit of a moot point. Your only option now is to buy a DVD player, some of which upscale the standard definition image to a higher definition, or a Blu-ray player.
HD-DVD has been dead for over a year now. Blu-ray won the battle between the two HD video formats. So it's a bit of a moot point. Your only option now is to buy a DVD player, some of which upscale the standard definition image to a higher definition, or a Blu-ray player.
HD-DVD has been dead for over a year now. Blu-ray won the battle between the two HD video formats. So it's a bit of a moot point. Your only option now is to buy a DVD player, some of which upscale the standard definition image to a higher definition, or a Blu-ray player.