can anyone help me with my premonitions? can anyone tell me how to keep them...


New member
Sep 21, 2011
...from going dormant? While i was younger i could always see things before it happy, i would just stare down the hallway in my house and see things happening before my eyes. As i got older the power got stronger and more developed, i can read minds, pick up on people feelings, and the power which was weird but to calm people down. i would like to know if there is away to keep these powers from going dormant, yes i am afraid to use them but it's only cause i do not know how to control them can anyway with experience help or at least help me get a handle on them
they'll work as long as you keep using them :)
answer mine?;_ylt=AkdwEyJTgKlOvCZ3FJOOIIfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110920181903AAAafl2