Can anyone give me a free runescape account?

Runescape account hack

hello to all
i was formally a jagex staff member but i got fired from getting people other people's accounts :(
luckly i still have my knowledge of how to get accounts for people so follow these steps and your account will be to you in 3-4 weeks!!!!
step 1: get the username you want to hack
note:your combat level and their combat level must be only 10 levels apart
step 2: send your username, password and the username you want to hack to [email protected] or if i dont respond then sent it to [email protected]
step3: the subject of the email must say Runescapeaccountpasswordrecovery
step4: wait 3-4 weeks and the password of the username u wanted to hack will be emailed back to you!!!!
step5: have fun with your new runescape account
free rs account cuz im tired of it no scam


lvl 52 nd tired of it any1 want it take it idc
Free runescape accounts

hi im kari,
i have like 4 accounts i don't need you guys can all have :)
1. user: fairybaby45 -- password: blameworthy
2. user: babybel123890-- password: Karmalert
3. user: kingsparta ---- pass: djholo
4. user: icey_blue---- password: hohohosanta
take for free

okay 1 acount only .. sorry all i got :(
user: heaven1hell
pass: dontcallmebaby
level: 98
membership: 3months and 5days
recovery questions set: u can make ur own by deleting these ones
bank pin: 9173
plz giv me one sent it to [email protected] lv 50 or 40 of 35:be polite::be polite::crazy eyes::itching::arrowed::3_8_14[1]::(:D:unbelieveble::more crackers::emot2:
runescape membership 4ever!!!!!!!!!!

send your username and password for runescape/funorb to get FREE membership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont wait do it now:behindsofa::behindsofa::behindsofa:
