Can a person really be saved if they accepted Jesus Christ out of fear of going to


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Hell? I really need some help from Spirit-filled Christians. A long time ago, at a church evangelistic service, where they were preaching a fire and brimstone service about what would happen if you died tonite ( you would go to Hell if you weren't saved), as they were speaking about dying and going to Hell, I was scared that would happen to me, so when the altar call came to pray the sinners prayer--I did. I recited the prayer word for word, and asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me from my sins. Many times since then, I have prayed that prayer again, just to be sure of my salvation. My problem is---I don't know if I'm really saved or not now, since I was told that to accept Jesus in that way, for that motivation, was the wrong way. I have never really witnessed to another person in all these years, and now I don't know that if I died tonite, I would go to heaven or not. I have not done alot of things for God's Kingdom in my life, although I have turned my life around from what it used to be, because I have felt convicted to change it. But speaking to other Christians, they have a profound love for Jesus and God, and even though I have prayed for those things, I still don't feel those feelings of love for Jesus like other Christians do. And I don't really have a burning desire to tell people about the gift of salvation thru Jesus, either, like other Christians do. I feel like I just don't care about their souls. What is wrong with me? I should care about these things. I don't understand this at all. I'm scared of dying because of this---I feel like I'd go to Hell if I died now. Any good advise from another Christian/ Christians would help. Thank you.