Can a gay/bisexaul guy maintain a platonic realtionship (bromance) with


New member
Sep 29, 2012
another bisexual or even straight guy? ...and what if the gay/bi one eventually find the other guy attractive, will he resist sexual urges and not take advantage? And can the other guy tolerate it whether or not he's inerested? Just curious..
I am gay and all my best mates are straight, we have a great bromance as you call it. I think it is impossible to not find your mates attractive if they look good, but that does not mean you need to try anything on with them, I personally would never even attempt anything remotely sexual towards one of my straight guy mates as that would most likely ruin the friendship and make things awkward. I think you just need to know your friends boundaries and realize that they are your mates not your partner, the straight guy would not tolerate you trying to get sexual with him as he is not attracted to guys.
Of course. I have friends like that: one's gay. Gay guys don't always think of romance and a relationship first, just as a girl can easily be just friends with a guy, and vice versa.
If a gay guy ends up liking the guy... well... this question is very dependent on the person we're talking about.

I know a gay girl who was best friends with another girl, and the gay girl eventually wanted a romantic relationship, to which the other girl agreed to, simply because she felt she would change for someone she loved.
I've never heard of such a thing in a guy-on-guy friendship (probably less likely that the straight guy would change for the gay one).
Also, I don't think a gay person can just turn on and off their feelings for a person, just like any other heterosexual person :T