Campfire fashion, what to wear?


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Hey guys.
So I'm going to a class end of year campfire. The thing sounds pretty fun. We’re having a water balloon fight. So i probably can't wear mascara and eyeliner although i want to make my lashes seem longer. Also, fashion choice, it's a campfire so i don't want dresses and stuff. And, plus this guy is coming and i kinda like him, he's older than me by the way. I'm 13 so no 16 year old clothing. Lol. Thanks a bunch! x
Hey guys, i love your fashion choices. But i live in Australia and it will pretty hot in december :)
They make clear mascara that will totally lengthen your lashes without running all over your face if you get wet. And you can't go wrong with skinny jeans, cute boots and a flannel at a campfire. American Eagle has really cute flannel shirts rt now!