Caffeine free diet coke?


New member
May 25, 2008
I drink tons of diet coke. So tasty. And yes, I'm definitely a caffeine know, terrible headaches when I don't drink it, etc.

I'm not fat at all, I only drink diet coke because it's so delicious. But my tummy isn't as flat as I'd like, so I'm wondering if I switched to caffeine free diet coke it'd help that at all? I read somewhere that caffeine causes water retention but I don't know if any of that's true.

If so I think I'd have more incentive to wean myself from my caffeine
Oh, and I know drinking NO pop would be better but that's not gonna happen anytime soon :p
i think you need extensive help if you are saying diet coke is tasty. anyway, you need to wean yourself off and suffer through 2-3 days of hell to kick the caffeine habit. and choose water as opposed to fake, fake coca cola. by the way diet coke drinkers are known to eat more than water drinkers.
read skinny bitch it tells you why you are addicted and why you will never have the sexy flat tum tum you want. just stop drinking it

trust me read the book