Buying a nice cell phone without a contract for cingular. any tips?


Apr 18, 2008
If you are only planning to use it as a phone Blackberries are OK, but if you plan on using and data other than text messages they can be expensive as Blackberries require a seperate Blackberry data plan to do anything such as email or anything internet related, even ringtones. These data plans start at $30 and go up. As far as an unlocked phone, again you need to be careful. The only thing that will be guaranteed is that it will make and receive calls. Any and all data can be a crap shoot with unlocked phones. We can sometimes get some data working but not others. It really depends on what you are planning to use them for.
I am a senior in high school. going on to college next year. This phone will be my college phone. i currently have a sim card from cingular(AT&T). but i dun't have text as of now. Which phones do you prefer? i was thinking blackberry. any suggestions or tips? what does it mean when it is unlocked or locked.