Brewers contest allows fans to design alternate uniform


Jun 17, 2007
Alternate uniforms are a big hit with fans, which in turn makes them a big money maker for sports franchises, so why not let the paying customer have a role in designing them?

Obviously that's how the Milwaukee Brewers feel on the subject, because they have decided to open the creative process up to their fans in the form of a contest, with the challenge being to create a new, unique uniform — right on down to the socks and wrist bands —*for the team to wear during their March 22 spring training game against the Chicago Cubs in Maryvale, AZ.

From the Brewers press release:

The winner will receive a trip to see the game, including airfare for two, tickets to the game to see the uniform "come to life," and a cash prize for hotel, transportation and other incidentals. The winner will also have the opportunity to select the jersey and hat worn by one player from that day as a souvenir, plus 10 t-shirts and hats made from their design.

The contest officially began this past Friday and Brewers are calling it the "Design a YOUniform" contest. As you can see on their website, the submissions are already rolling in ahead of the Dec. 13. deadline.

On Jan. 15, the Brewers will announce the four finalists and fans will have one week to cast a vote for their favorite. Those finalists will then be invited to the Brewers On Deck fan festival on Jan. 27, where John Axford will announce the winner.

"People have great ideas for how they would design an alternate uniform for the team, and this is the ultimate opportunity for everyone to have their say," said Brewers Chief Operating Officer Rick Schlesinger. "Participants can pick their favorite colors, original logos, and script, or they can utilize elements of the Brewers current uniforms with their own unique twist. It's literally a blank template and a chance for everyone to show off their creative sides."

The contest is open to anyone, so if you're feeling creative go ahead and give it your best shot. Just know you'll be going up against some very creative and motivated designers.


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