Breast feeding makes women aggressive


New member
Apr 5, 2008
I've just found an interesting study which shows womes who are breast feeding are more aggressive than their counterparts.
I always thought that women who were aggressive while breastfeeding was beacuse you were looking at them (a bit too closesly)
I thought the study was interesting because all mothers have protective maternal instincts.
I wonder if the study means the bond between mother and child is stronger through breast feeding.
It is, I admit I read it earlier but had no idea what I could usefully say about it. So, you know, banter!

It would be interesting to see if the mothers inclined to breastfeed make significantly different lifestyle/dietary choices, as that could influence the BP's recorded. As far as the aggression goes, it could well stem from a deeper bond, or from some chemical interaction going on during breastfeeding. It's a potentially fascinating subject that I don't know enough about to do any more then guess at
lol at this study.

Some very obvious factors going on here.

1. A mother who bottle feeds their baby formula can get more sleep by asking the hubby to take his turn feeding the baby.

2. A mother who breastfeeds her baby has to get her sensitive parts chewed and sucked upon whenever the baby is hungry.

Less sleep + constant chewing on the sensitive bits + possible post partum issues = horn blasting boo ya mom.

Endorphins and relief from milk buildup might account for that? Plus, the mere fact of getting out of the house and letting someone else take care of the baby for a while (while possibly making a few bucks for some mom alone-time while being out) might account for some lower blood pressure since it could induce a relative sense of relaxation?
and breastfeeding = way for the sexist in society to make children another shackle to the mom's chains so she won't 'start any trouble' so to speak. Just convince women a baby needs to be fed every 30 mins and the woman is the only one can do it. They've made that baby a shackle to her.
i certainly know women who would be murderous at the very thought of having to breastfeed
What a load of rubbish.

Breast feeding is a natural instinct, not a social chain like an electronic tag.

You only have to look at the natural instinct of suckling animals to see that.

The only way the baby is a shackle is the need for parenting until such time it can go it alone, exactly the same as in the animal world.
To be fair, they could've made the study about women who pump and bottle feed the baby vs. women who bottle feed the baby formula.

Either way, there are these...
That is absolutely fine, it is not for all women. Are those ladies you know mothers to new born children though.

There is a difference between how we think we may feel in comparison to how we actually feel when the maternal/paternal instinct kicks in.
that, however, is not a function of changing one's mind as normally understood, but of biological changes which are a normal part of the process of gestating, birthing and nursing children. and there are still mothers who mistreat or outright kill their own children.
Exactly. You know women who hate the idea of breast feeding. I asked if they were mothers of new born babies. That changes how they formulate their hypothesis.
Surely getting out of the house would apply to all participants in the study? As far as endorphins go then if that's the case then it would be the mechanism causing the reduction in blood pressure, all we've done is explained part of the system being investigated, if it's the case.
except that those new hypothesis are more guided by their bodies changing their internal biochemistry, not by their own rational analysis and willful choices. i also pointed out that your comment is a generalization, since not all women love their progeny equally, sometimes with grim results.