Boyfriend doesn't like PDA??? PLEASE HELP?


New member
Jun 7, 2013
I don't know how to act in public with him since he doesn't like being affectionate in person even holding my hand he freaks and breaks away.. Is this normal??? Tonight we are going out with his friend one of whom I haven't met. How should I act towards my boyfriend. since he is my boyfriend I don't want it to look like he is only my friend.. PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICEEEE
There's a reason he doesn't like PDA where are you when you don't show PDA? At somewhere where he could know other girls? Watch where he looks next time your out with him and base it off of that.
I would ask him why in private & see what his response is. He could just not be ready for everyone to know about you two. It seems like you might be a little more interested in the relationship than he is. Give him some space & when he tries to kiss or touch you, pull away from him. Don't give a guy every single thing he wants when he wants it.
well nasty pda could be why. just make sure your not trying to be too affectionate because its nasty to some people. holding hands isnt bad but if he doesnt want to i dont think its normal. you should just act as if you care about him. touch his hand lightly or rub his shoulder or arm. good luck
Some people just don't like PDA, I hate having attention on me, Im not an attention seeker myself.....holding hands I can do, so idk why he wouldn't even hold your hand, but if you are going to be at your friends you don't have to make it super awk, If he is with his boys then just let him be with his boys while you interact with other people but if its something where everyone is just sitting around on the couch girls and boys then just sit next to him and just simply have one hand on his lap or his arm. nothing to much just a small making out no kissing, but its enough to show that he is yours :)
talk to him. if it still doesn't work out, figure out whether PDA is a deal breaker or not. If it is a deal breaker, dump him. if it's not a deal breaker, get over it...