Boomsday - Knoxville, TN

that looked terrible, there was no pattern or strategy to that, just a bunch of shit going off all at once
Yeah let's all stare at those pretty colours makin' noises up there in the sky. Wowee.
You've obviously never been. They do crazy shit with the firework, like smile faces, hearts, stars....then they sync other stuff to music. Tonight was pretty cool, I got some good pics.

About 30 min.

All it was tonight were 90lb soaking wet wiggers with 200+lb girlfriends, shouting the "N" word obsessively, while no black people were in site, obviously.

Haha...I had a lot of fun. I sat on the left side of the bridge. I did see a lot of wiggers, but there were still a lot of black people.

At one point while walking along some random kid read my shirt and goes "Pink Floyd!!! YEAAAHHHH!!!!"