

Apr 14, 2008
For those of you who remember me,just stopping by to say HEY!

How is everyone and what y'all upto?

When I went away I said I was doing lots of cycling,well I still am. I do miss training in ma but I am suitably obsessed with lycra and tarmac these days!Been a little poorly with a stomach ulcer but getting better now,well virtually am.

That's all really.

So did someone turn insane enough to make Slip a mod?????????????
I have taken an alternative form however and am generally clad in lycra these days!
I can't take all the credit credit for turning insane, it's kind of always been there...

Welcome back Panda!
Never thought you'd find a publicy acceptable use for having that pic downloaded did you

Welcome back Su Lin. Is this a brief visit or are you back for good? (can someone link to Take That on youtube?)
Hey, missed ya! Glad you're doing well, just out of interest what made you stop doing ma? I was liking your progress
Thanks Moi

That video would also suggest that all 5 members of Take That have boyfriends too!
Awe hugllies Su. Hope you get better soon. SlipTheMod was done for entertainment value. We've been insane for sometime now.
Welcome back. I have not had nearly enough time on my bicycle lately so I am quite jealous of your progress. It's nice to have you around again. Cheers

Lohan, that picture is so wrong on many different levels.