bodyguard/security professional


New member
Apr 10, 2008

I was wondering about the career of a bodyguard/security professional.
Some of the questions I have are:
-What is the yearly salary of these careers?
-What type of training/school/college degree is needed to become a bodyguard?
-Are there any schools that teach you how to be a bodyguard?

Also, if any one has some websites that would be extremely helpful.
Thanks for your time.

In case you're wondering why I ask, I'm 16 and starting to look into possible careers.
One can get into this profession in several ways. Specialized military
or law enforcement experience are both ways that can give you some
of the needed training/experience. There are a lot of different skills you'd need to acquire to become good at it.

College never hurts but it will not give you the precise training you need for this particular type of work. There are lots of schools that will be happy to take your money but finding one that is good and reputable is the challenge.

Location will dictate the job market and salary. The main spots in the states for protection work would be NYC, LA, or Washington DC. By the way, the real money in security is in IT Security not protection work.

Check out for more information. You can get some books on the subject from that web site if you're seriously interested.

This type of work is very interesting but it can take a toll on you after a while. It's lousy for family life and it's not something you'd probably want to do when you get older. Those are factors you'd need to consider.
From what I understand, the best way to get into a real security/guarding job is with a good record as a police officer or military policeman. Do 10 or 15 years with each, then go "private". You'll be higher paid, and you won't be guarding the railroad tracks or something entry level like that. Ular makes a good point too, be careful what you wish for. This kind of job can take a serious toll on you, especially if you're involved in anything fatal. Lots of legal and financial, not to mention psychological responsibilities you need to consider.
if that is realy the way you want to go think about this it takes years of training and hardwork to become proficent and recognised enough that someone will pay you to be a bodyguard... then you have to think that if someone is paying you to be a bodyguard there must be a reason for it .... this means you may be killed then look at how much you would think is adequate money if any to die for ...... then take a look at a business course and compare the money you can make as oppossed to the life threatening danger.....

if you still want to be a paid target get yourself into the special forces and be good take officer training get transferred to cross train with as many overseas special opps teams as you can make friends and contacts everywhere ... and youve got a good reason for some millionair/billionair businessman who travels on business to use your services and use your contacts as a network .... just remember in 85% or so of failed assasination attempts the bodyguard still dies
Why do you think this job interests you?
Do you want to do something active and be able to apply your skills? I'd like a career in that. I'm also 16. The only thing I've considered is becoming impecable at my MA and start schooling of my own. But that's far far away yet. But I'm 6 months off my black belt....It's a start.

Xio, you're a mind reader. I'm looking for something I can apply my skills in. I am actually going to join Special Forces tai-gip as an officer, but I was wondering what job should I go for after the military. Thanks for all the help everyone!!!
I have a mate currently working abroad. He runs his own private business (bodyguards). He is on big bucks. He can afford to work one month of the year. The rest he can spend doing whatever he wants. He really does earn that much!!
Did anybody hear about those Australian soldiers employed as body guards in Iraq? (i think it was Iraq). Apparently they are earning up to $9000 a week. I read it in the newspaper this morning. But then again they would be seriously risking their lives for it. I've no experience with the military apart from watching those adds on TV (i'm in Australia).
A guy who used to go to my school now earns well over 100k a year running his own firm, 4 years after leaving. Then again, he is like 6' 7 and has size 16 shoes If you can avoid it, I would do something else if you want a family/life outside work etc. I've been told this by countless doormen/bodyguards who I have come across through work and play.
Yeah i don't really think it's worth putting your life in front of someones death for any money. It's really a stupid thing to do for money, life's worth alot more than that.
Security is an exceptionally broad field with many different specialities. Check out the following web-site. It has a wealth of information.

O man in order to be a body guard ur either going to have to really fat and huge or be ex military or sercurity agent probably