Bodybuilding nutrition guide help?


Jun 1, 2008
Ok, a little information about my self. I am 15 years old, weigh 190 lbs, 5'8 tall. I am doing p90x so I am trying to build muscle too. What I am wondering is, can you make a list of things to eat and could you put the TIME to eat the food and put the food name next to the TIME. Also could you be specific on the food/snack/fruits. I am trying to go to 170 lbs in 3 months starting today so by September i want to weigh 170lbs. Add me on yahoo im, [email protected]. Thanks
A Definition of Diet
Usually people associate the word diet with days of starvation and pain. However that is not the correct definition of a diet. The word diet refers to the food choices that we make on a daily basis. Even if you don’t think you that you are on a diet, guess what?! You already are following a diet. Whether you eat candy all day everyday, or oatmeal, that is your diet.

You Don't Have to Starve When You Diet
A good bodybuilding diet needs to follow 3 rules:

It should favor smaller and frequent feedings throughout the day instead of smaller ones.
Every meal should have carbohydrates, protein and fat in the correct ratios: 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20 % good fats.
The calories should be cycled to prevent the metabolism from getting used to a certain caloric level.
While my article on Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics further elaborates on the reasons why the rules above need to be followed, in addition to a discussion on carbohydrates, proteins and fats, I'll move now to present you with two examples of good bodybuilding diets.
i advise you to go to a body building website such as and look up diets for weight loss, i havent checked out their weight loss diets yet but i am currently on a weight gain diet from