Blueray and HDTV hookup?


New member
Aug 9, 2010
I own a HDTV, DVR cable box and BlueRay player. I moved my DRV to a plug in other than 1 (the hdtv spot) since my cable isn't hd. I've plugged in my blue ray player with the cords that came with it. Simple audio/video cord. But I noticed that there were still open spots. I had an extra cord around the house and hooked that into the additional spots on the player and tv.

I do not see any difference with the blue ray dvds than I would with a regular player. I've tried JUST using the cords that came with it and still nothing.

What the hell am I doing wrong? isn't it supposed to work with the player I bought? It should have included everything, as expensive as it was....
Also, I can see the HDMI slot on both the tv and bluray player.

So, I'm guessing I need an HDMI cable that has the hdmi on both sides, or do I need one that has the hdmi and green/blue on the other end?

How do I know which size to buy?
you also can change the blu ray format to others, like xbox, ps3, mp4, avi, wmv etc, then use other play
For the best results with a Blu-ray player and an HDTV, connect them with an HDMI cable. You can find inexpensive ones on line or at discount stores, and they'll work fine. Don't pay big money for the premium cables. They look nice, but the electrons don't care.
Don't listen to paul, Your standard DVD's on a Blu
ray player will not be 720p lol with a HDMI cable, they
will be upconverted to 1080p but will have 480p in reality
with a great picture though, but not high def. It's also
like basically saying your standard DVD's will play in 1080p
on a 32 inch HDTV if you buy a Blu ray player because there
is no difference between 720p and 1080p on screens smaller
than 40 inches.
You need to use the HDMI cable. That gives you a true 1080p HD signal from the Blu Ray to the TV. If you're playing standard DVDs in the Blu Ray, the HDMI cable will give you 720p resolution (upconverted to 1080i at the TV). If you use the component video cables (red, blue, and green RCA cables), the maximum resolution you can get - even with a full 1080p Blu Ray disk - is 720p. The yellow composite video cable is standard def at 480i, and that's what they give you with the player. So, you won't notice any advantage of having the Blu Ray player - no matter what kind of disk you play - without either the component video cables, or preferably the HDMI.