Blu Ray Upconvert and HDMI/RGB Questions?


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I have an older Toshiba HD HDMI input. So if I buy a Blu Ray I will have to either A.) Find out if there is such a thing as a HDMI to Component converter, and how well it actually works. or B.) Plug the Blu Ray in with a RGB cable into my TV. My question is if I do either of the above how good will the picture look? The guy at Circuit City told me it will look better than the current DVD picture that I get with my player and that even my current DVDs will look better with the Blu Ray RGB input. So I am asking if anyone can tell me if he is right or if he is telling me stories. I don't want to drop $300 on a Blu Ray player if its going to look the same with the RGB inputs. Thanks
It's true that you won't get full 1080p from component cables but your tv is probably 720p anyway. You will see a marked difference in bluray even with component cables. You will see a better picture with regular dvds but not better enough (in my opinion) to drop $300 for that alone. Bluray disks will be much better and it would be worth the $ with them.

HDMI is a digital signal and component cables are analog. There are very expensive analog to digital converters but they aren't worth the $ and are really for professional use.