Blackberry Smartphone...?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I just now finally bought a blackberry torch. Its like my dream phone. HAHAHA. So... how exactly do ypu use the blackberry messager? Like how to you view profiles and requests friends??? Just basically any info would be helpful and appreciated! PLZ AND THANX!!! :)
Your friend has to have a blackberry also.

Every blackberry has a special ID number built into it, called the PIN number. To send and receive blackberry messages you have to add the other person to your bbm contact list, including their PIN. Then you just select that contact on the list and compose your message, just like SMS.

There's different ways to look up your phone's PIN. If you hold down the alt, shift and h keys on your phone you'll get a screen full of information about your phone. Your PIN is listed about halfway down the page.