BlackBerry Pearl vs. Storm- opinions?


May 21, 2008
I'm looking to get a new phone because my current phone is a hand-me-down and it is beginning to have issues. I used to have an EnV Touch which was great until someone left it on the back of a truck and it shattered on the highway. I liked everything about it. But I'm also comparing it to a BlackBerry Pearl (oldie I know) and a BlackBerry Storm 2, the newest one on my list of potentials.

Since I owned the EnV Touch already I'm not really looking for opinions about it but I'd like to know what the public thinks about the BlackBerries. I like the Pearl because it is compact and affordable but the Storm 2 probably has more innovative features, and I like touch-screen. I have Verizon as a carrier so how does their service help/hinder the phones, as in affect their usability (regarding internet and such)? The Pearl models I'm looking into are 8110 and 8130; do the numbers just stand for different colors or what?

Any advice from people who've actually owned either of these phones would be great :)
I would say Storm2 because it is more modern.

Here is the comparison: