BlackBerry Curve 8530 or Samsung Rogue?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
i'll be getting a phone soon and i have narrowed it down to 2 phones. either the BlackBerry Curve 8530 or the Samsung Rogue. i like them both but am stuck between them. which is better and if you could, please give your opnnion on the phone. thank you
They all suck. Get the cheapest phone you can find and save your money for something that actually matters.

Blackberries are the worst. People spend hundreds of dollars on those things and dont even know how to back up the stuff they have on them. Then they get all upset when the toy breaks and they lose all their damn pictures or whatever they've got on there.

And the carriers screw you for every nickle they can get. Seriously what the hell do you need a cell phone for at all, except to call a tow truck if you get stranded somewhere, really. What a waste of cash.
depends what you need it for. The Rogue is the closest thing to a smartphone, but you save an extra $20 a month. If you dont need all the extra features of the blackberry, including lots of email and web then go for the Rogue. My friend has it and its amazing. Great screen, big screen, beautiful pictures and the battery lasts about 2 to 4 days depending on your usage.
Blackberry Curve is awesome

had bad experiences with Samsung phones e.g. battery power doesn't last long at all.
go for blackberry curve
it is really cool, check out its various new accessories and you know something you can't find much accessories in any other

don't feel like wasting money
go for it