Blackberry bold Battery life issue?


Active member
May 13, 2008
okay so here's my dilemma. I have the bold 9780, and it's usually fully charged in the morning when i set off for school(8:00) however, the most it will last is until lunchtime (13:05) and that's with the signal turned off and the phone locked. also if i turn the phone off or remove the battery, the battery life drains just as quick. sometimes it runs out by 11 oclock. this started around the same time as my charging port began to break, i had to put the charger in at an awkward angle for it to work, and eventually it just came clean out and now i have to charge my battery manually in an external charger, outside of the phone.

if anyone could help me out, by telling me the problem and if i need a new battery or if it's a phone fault, that'd be great

forgot to mention, it will sometimes shut off from anywhere ranging from 50-75% battery life left, sometimes a little lower, which is really unpredictable and sucks when it shuts off while i'm outside somewhere.