Blackberry bold 9900 water damaged!!!please answer ASAP?


New member
Jul 14, 2008
I dropped my blackberry bold 9900 down the toilet 3 days ago and since then I have had it in a bowl of rice, I have also tried using my hair dryer to try and get the water out, the water damaging indicator has turned red which means water damaged, my battery works in another phone but the handset doesn't work, does anyone have any other ideas how to get the water out, please answer ASAP
Over the years I have had my share of water damaged cell phones. I will tell you what works for me several times in the past. 1st leaving the phone open with battery out and battery cover off as well as any sim card or sd card. Then place the phone botton down on a thick towel. Or wrap it in a towel and let it sit. Then here is the pecular part. Once or twice a day for two weeks or more, hold the phone between two hands and pray in the name of Jesus Christ to heal the phone. Tell Jesus you want him to be Lord over and heal it just as he offered himself for all sickness and disease and sin on the day he was bruised for our iniquities and transgressions. And that in chastisment he peace is upon us. Then say Thank you for healing the phone and Thank you for all that hedoes. After this, put the battery in and plug it to the charger. Let it charge 15 minutes the first time. Then 30 minutes. And increse the charge time everyday. Only leave the phone on charger while you are supervising it in the room. After two weeks depending on the damage of the phone and time and confession of faith the phone will and can turn back on. Just remember to share the word. Jesus cares about our communication with others, our electronics, and our faith and us too.

Speaking from experience. I know this can and will work for you as well. Best wishes.