Black people in Hollywood?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Idris Elba spoke about his feelings on black people in Hollywood (i.e. their success as stars etc.). I didn’t really know where he was coming from as I go and see films where the main dude is played by a black actor quite a bit. If this film is good I go and see it. I wouldn’t be put off by a black guy taking the lead. He then made a valid point. He used Inception the movie as an example. He said that if the entire main cast of Inception was all played by black actors, not as many people would go and see it. This made sense to me and I immediately saw where he was coming from. He said this is what we need to change. Usually, films where the cast is mainly black are usually about ghetto issues or rapping etc. (or those older films like Roots etc.). I never really thought about it. I would definitely go and see a movie full of black actors as I do not have an issue with skin colour etc. (we all bleed red). What are your views on this. I am just trying to grasp other peoples opinions really. I would love as many answers as possible from anyone who is black.