BitTorrent (Pause) does this mean I can disconnect and connect internet while...


New member
Jan 2, 2011
...paused without harming the file? Can I Pause BitTorrent-Unplug Internet, then Plug it Back in & Hit Play and not Mess the File Up?
My father demands the Internet and my Torrent may take two days at most...
We have a mobile broadband card and our router died, so we are sharing the card at the moment.

THIS is what Bit says but I don't quite get it:
Pause will pause the selected torrent job(s), but won't actually stop it. This tells BitTorrent Mainline to attempt to retain connections to peers without having to re-establish them like starting stopped torrent jobs would require. It is useful for when you need quick access to bandwidth. Realize that while BitTorrent Mainline won't drop the connections on its own accord, the connection can still get dropped by the client on the other end of the connection.

Thank You!