Bisexuals: how would you describe leaning more towards one sex?


May 13, 2008
Basically asking bisexuals who aren't equally attracted to both sexes...

I hear some people say they like, lets say, guys more sexually appealing and girls more emotionally appealing... or sometimes say they only like one of these aspects on a sex.

I've also heard that some people just like a guy/girl very occasionally and generally like one sex/gender more.

This is probably a personal question, but I spose only answer if you want to..
So I think I may be bi -but I'm not entirely sure. All I think that I know as that it seems a lot harder/less common to get spontaneously attracted to a guy than from to a girl. So I think I lean more on the gay side of the scale...
Little bit confusing really, wish things were a lot less hard to define sometimes.