Biology Hiking Question. Please Help?


May 13, 2008
Hikers often complain of a painful swelling in their fingers after a long day hiking. Others have indicated that
they no longer experience this problem if they use trekking poles. What is probably going on here?
A) Blood is pooling in the extremities after being on their feet all day. Using poles helps generate the
muscle contractions that return blood to the heart.
B) This is probably a side effect of high altitude sickness. Using the poles works the lungs better.
C) The circulation to the fingers is restricted to conserve energy.
D) Too much blood is pumping through their extremities as they exert the energy to hike.

Please help?
i have been hiking and backpacking most of my life. i specially like being in the high country above timberline. i do not use trekking poles. i have never experienced swelling in my fingers
A) Blood is pooling in the extremities after being on their feet all day. Using poles helps generate the
muscle contractions that return blood to the heart.