Betta fish questions? Please help..?


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Okay, so I'm going to be getting a betta soon and I have a few questions and since my parents are completely useless, I'm asking on here.

I already have a five gallon tank, a filter and a heater. Does one HAVE to cycle a tank? I was told that you do, but I'm a kid and it seems complicated and again, my parents are completely useless. I used to have a female veiltail betta and I had to keep it in a vase because they apparently don't know anything. They are basically like "Here's a fish. Watch it die."

I heard that you shouldn't go all out when cleaning the tank. Is this true? If so, what am I supposed to do? Also, how do I not stress my fish out too much? If anything other than a net has to be bought, it won't work. My parents won't buy it and there is nothing to do to get money around here.

Is tap water actually bad? We live in a small town, so of course it isn't well water. If it is, can I make it, um, not bad somehow?

Are live or fake plants better?

Thanks in advance. I know I'm probably worrying too much about a fish, but for some reason, I REALLY like them and I don't want to screw up. I thought my old fish was better than our hamster. o.o