best way to introduce gf to glass bottom boats, cleveland steamers, alaskan


New member
Dec 13, 2010
pipelines, chili dogs, etc? So I would really like to engage in the following with my gf:
cleveland steamer
glass bottom boat
dirty sanchez
alaskan pipeline
strawberry shortcake
alabama hotpocket
chili dog
boston pancake
hot karl
space docking
angry pirate
tony danza
rusty trombone
etc.... etc...

i think you all get the point. The question is how to introduce my gf to these wonderful ideas without grossing her out. I don't want her to dump be, but I really wanna try some, if not all, of these things. It could be magical. Any advice on getting my gal to want to engage in these wonderful acts would be great.

I know girls love this stuff after time, but it definitely takes some warming up to. We aren't going to start off using the ol' alaskan pipeline, but in time I don't see why we can't have that as a spare in case we run out of batteries. Also, who doesn't want a hot karl?

for the record, I am not trolling. I am actually into this stuff. So please, serious answers only.