Best video game system?

PC BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xbox, ps3 dont even come close to touching the abilities of a pc

but high end pcs cause alot
ps3 is good all around really but its not as big online as xbox 360 and not as many games as xbox 360.
xbox 360 is really good but it has a reputation for breaking down easily but no worries they repair for free.
Wii is kinda for kids and the graphics arent that good.

I would pick either ps3 or xbox 360
SNES. The RPGs and classic titles it produced made the gaming industry what it is today, bringing Mario out as a poster boy, turning Zelda into a hit series, booming the Megaman series into an epic, and producing some of the most brilliant titles in the industry, including Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, and Secret of Mana.