Best street party.... Ever?


New member
Feb 28, 2008
A 16 year old from Australia decided to throw a party for a few friends. Somehow it turned out not in the way he wanted it to be.

somehow it went from a few friends to about 500 people, police cars, helicopter being called out and up to AU$20,000 worth of damage.

Only problem is.... He has not told his parents. He later ran off and was caught by the police.

So what are your thoughts on this?

BTW, multiple voting for fun.
It happens.
More concerned that the guy thinks he looks good. Now that's disturbing.
LOl @ the naked guy running with a blue rag on his face, kids lucky he didint get his whole house robbed by uninvited people. I dont think cops will fine him the money all he needs is a lawyer to get out of that one, its not really his fault that the uninvited people damaged their neighbors property think about it its like anyone of us having a party and some people that werent invited decide to damage your neighbors cars since they didint get let in.

He also should of stayed in the house and not let people in why go off outside with the people when their damaging cars then he becomes a part of it(not sure if he stayed in the house during it if he did he has nothing to worry about). I dont know the law there but here in canada for something like that someone would get off maybe with some community service at most especially cuz their under age.

Also why does the news reporter want him to say sorry to the cops for? they should be happy since he gives them a job to do so they make their money. I also like his closing words "get a mate to do it for you" thats what i always do never throw parties at my house but its ok for friends houses gotta be smart with that :p
naw, its real enough.

The lad has been arrested on child porn charges now too:,25197,23060905-601,00.html?from=mostpop
It is the job they choose to do so your saying its better for us to pay taxes to pay cops for riding around in their cars and eating donats? And if busting teenage parties is too hard/dangerous for them i wonder how they deal with real crime....

And as for him busted on child porn at age 16 not too suprising, he is a child him self and hed probably would want to watch porn of girls of his age as if he would have sex with a girl it would most likley be someone under 18 just like him. Unless what they found was girls that were like 12 that would be wrong but if the child porn is 15-18 and his 16 he just looking for something his age.
Do you even pay taxes?

God I can’t believe the arrogance of some people. Yes they choose to do it, they choose to put themselves in harms way. How many Police officers do you know?
If you do know any do you know them well?

Do you actually understand what their job entails?

Would you actually have the guts to step up and do that job?

Again do you full understand what their job involves or are you just shooting your mouth off and trying to sound like you have a real opinion?

If it’s under the age of consent for that country then it would still be dodgy regardless of his age.

Or are you saying it’s ok for sexually explicit pictures of under age girls to be going round the net as long as the audience is of the same age?
No i dont pay taxes yet i try to avoid them as much as i can i dont like to be a slave to the government but i know my dad and some of my older friends do. Would i have the guts for the job? hell ya even though the job can be dangures its always something new and exiciting and besides you get to be in a gang of cops fighting other gangs of crime :p. But then again cops dont get paid much but they sure get a nice cheque when they retire.

And yes in my view and eyes if his 16 and has naked pics of other 16 year olds he shouldent be punished for child porn, that makes him a child too and im pretty sure he would rather try to imagine having sex with a 16 year old then a 30 year old slut with fake boobs(he is most likley to have sex with other 16 year olds at his age then 20+). but then again thats my view of this it probably differes from others but its just what i think.
What an idiot of a kid. I hope his parents beat him up when they get home or kick him out of the house. He wouldn't last one second on the street, epically with all the near by neighbors and fashion crictics plotting against him.

Was he stoned?
Totally agree with Spooky on this one. The cops have enough on their plate as it is not to have to put up with dissipating a crowd of 500 teenagers, some of whom rushed, attacked, threw bottles at them etc.

This boy named Corey is an idiot and a failure of the highest order. The WORST thing is that stupid media and marketing companies are trying to offer him money to promote their events. Talk about using him just for the sake of the publicity he is getting now and then most probably kicking him to the curb later when Corey mania dies down. The kid is living with friends and doesn't want to go home as he doesn't want to get a talking to from his parents nor accept responsibility for what he's done. That attitude is sure going to get him nowhere in life. Dropkick.
You should have seen the little girl (Corey that is) cry when someone tried to take his glasses off in a radio studio. He literally cried and walked out.
Yeah...he's an idiot, but damn the news gal is HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just love her accent