Best of Midnight Madness: Mercer's Ike Nwamu delivers memorable dunk


Jun 17, 2007
Midnight Madness produces some memorable moments each year, so The Dagger is chronicling the best ones from this October's lineup. If you spot something we missed, let us know here or here.
No longer is merely clearing a teammate enough to drop jaws during a dunk contest. Credit Mercer guard Ike Nwamu for throwing in a clever twist. Nwamu easily captured first place in the Bears' Midnight Madness dunk contest Friday night when he leaped over 6-foot-1 teammate Jestin Lewis, grabbed the ball and threw down a between-the-legs dunk. The slam drew audible gasps from the fans in attendance and led the rest of Nwamu's teammates to come off the bench and celebrate with him. It also surely elicited a sigh of relief from Lewis. Mercer will need more highlights from Nwamu if it is going to return to the NCAA tournament this March, let alone pull off another memorable upset. All five starters graduated from last year's senior-laden team, but Nwamu is one of several role players from last season capable of taking on a bigger role.
More from the Best of Midnight Madness series:
North Carolina's Kennedy Meeks performs 'I will always love you'
Bill Self recreates Andrew Wiggins' infamous draft day outfit
Clemson student sinks $25,000 half-court shot
Costume-clad Tubby Smith crashes motorcycle
Drake's appearance at Kentucky includes cringe-worthy air ball
Mercer's Ike Nwamu leaps over teammate, throws down big dunk
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Jeff Eisenberg is the editor of The Dagger on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!
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