Best Friend Troubles?


Active member
Mar 24, 2008
So this weekend me and my best friend want to go camping. She wants to bring her boyfriend,but her bf wants to bring his friend. Well me and his friend have a history. Nothing serious happened but it ended badly, and I know that if he went this weekend with us it would be really awkward. And I don't want him to come because of that and plus its my vacation too. I don't want to pay to have a crappy vacation. So my friend's boyfriend is mad that his friend can't come, and my best friend is trying to talk me into letting him come with us. I really don't want him to come. Plus I'm getting sick of my best friend putting her boyfriend's feelings before mine when it was me and her who originally thought to go camping. But am I in the wrong?
uhm no ur not wrong. its your vacation and you can choose who u want. if you guys cant agree on something then its better not bringing any of the guys. But tell her that your sick of her putting her b/fs feeling before yours. u guys are best friends and u guys r suppose to help and support each other. not put guys in front of you guys.
no b/c u had a bad history with this person & u don't want to repeat again..tell her how u feel about this express your thoughts to her
your completely right. your paying? shes being stupid. i dont think she is being a bad friend, nessecarily, because boys do things to people. she probably just wants him to like her more, but she isnt realizing what she is doing to you. just tell her that maybe next time h could come, but this time, you want to spend time with her.
no def. not..if you guys planned it,its your choice who comes..if you dont have a prob with her bf he can come but if u have a prob with his best friend just tell ur friend it realli isnt gonna work if he comes
no your not wrong....Its your should tell your friend that its enough to have her bf to come but you really don't want his friend to come too since you have a bad history and youd feel awkward...tell her that your not gonna pay a ton of money for something that you thought was gonna be a girls get away to go to something planned around her bf....
no you shouldnt have to give up your vacation and fun time for her boyfriend and his friend tell your friend you only wanted her to go and try to explain your reasons. If that does not work try and get her to understand reverse the situation on her and see how she feels
i wouldnt say you are being wrong, you dont feel comfortable with this guy, she should understand that. to me she should be glad that you still wan tto go now that her bf is going when it was just you 2 but thats me. i wouldnt back down, its your time to. if in the end. dont go. find something you 2 can do with out boys all to gether that way there is hurt feeling. or if you do want to give in ( witch to me if you do, you will always have to) just deal with this guy and try to work things out with this guy and maybe get to where you 2 can at least be in the same room with no problems. good luck.
No.No offense but your friend probably wants to spend time with her boyfriend and your friend is actually the one thats wrong.You can tell you best friend that you want to spend more time with her and tell her how you feel.
honestly I would just tell your friend that you would like this weekend to be a girl weekend without guys getting in the way of that. If she is truly your best friend she should be able to understand this and put aside a little extra time to spend with you. Girls who spend every living second with their boyfriend and leave the best friends in the dust is not a friend I would want to have around. If it will ruin the vacation by having this guy there then I would think your friend would be able to understand that.
You are not at all wrong! If it was you and her who thought of the idea then he has no right to impose. It was generous of you to allow him to come, but its not right for him to invite someone when he wasnt even in the original plans. Your friend should realize that you feel uncomfortable bringing the guy along and not put her boyfriends wants before yours. Friends last forever but boyfriends come and go. =]
No, I think that it is the right thing to no let that guy go because like if you don't feel comfortable being around that guy then your boyfriend should understand. Also, your friend should put you before her boyfriend because if it was me I would get really mad at my friend if she put her boyfriend before me. So if you really don't want the guy to participate in the camping activity then your not really in the wrong cause it was your idea.
u are deffinently right.......if i were in the position u are in, i would go up to that best friend and do like a small kind of dis,tell her how u feel but not like u meant to, just blurt it out kind of thing, then just leave but right before u leave say that u are going to go on the camping trip alone! and then walk away and dont look back, no matter what happens the worst thing to do is to look back and say sorry and just start talking ot her!what ever u do, do not do that!u have to be strong and stay that way, once she realizes how u feel and that what she was doing is wrong, then she goes up to u and says "i'm sorry" forgive her and the two of u can have a nice camping trip!! :)but,if she does not say sorry, dont give in,she is not a true friend then! find a new onewell....i hoped this helped, gl! :)byes!
you need to sit down and talk with your best friend's bf he will understand then your friendship wont be so awkward with your best friend.