best drink fucking ever

bawls taste like cotton candy :tdown:

i like rockstars, but redbull ftw, the price just sucks.

Free redbulls from redbull truck :tup:
its not that great.

rockstar french vanilla coffee fuckers

Edit: i just saw the original date to this thread. holy fucking shit.
The best drink ever is a 2 liter of Sierra Mist with a pack of Crystal Light
WO drinking a WHOLE mosta and goin to bed an hour later?! :eek:
fucking bamf in the house yall
People who drink energy drinks just piss me off because they either

a) act like they are hot shit because it doesn't do anything to them when it clearly makes them crazy
b) act crazy when it clearly does nothing to them
c) are retards for spending four dollars on a can of shitty tasting juice
d) are retards for getting a shitty tasting can of juice marketed as an energy drink because they "need energy"

That being said, I am more of a fan of red bull and the original full throttle if I am going to have an energy drink after something like skiing or some other demanding activity.