Best Decision You Ever Made

Discovering that however much of a nerd you are; one can always do the green and trying it was one of the best decisions you can make.

Also, revising really hard for my GCSEs helped as well.
I think choosing my current career & current university was my best decision... so far. :p
Oh, and then... for my 15th birthday, choosing to make a trip to Europe and not a party, as all my friends did. I'm still glad I picked the trip :D
Accidently ticking the wrong box and signing up for the rowing squad instead of the rugby team (R and Ro. -subtle difference there). and signing up to ihav of course :p
Mine would have to dumping my ex boyfriend who never gave me any attention and saying yes to this other guy I barely knew...

We've been together over a year now :love:
Randomly taking one step to the right earlier this morning, shortly before bird poo landed right next to my left shoe. I would have looked an idiot if I hadn't.
deciding to meet up with my now boyfriend. he used to live behind me and we got chatting on facebook and he came back to my home town. i kept coming up with different lies because i was soo nervous to meet him but i finally did and its been the most amazing year of my life so far even if it is an ldr.
Going to Ireland after I finished my degree. Met the love of my life :) Also drank a lot, got thrown out of my hotel, got badly sunburnt, got drunk some more and found the most awesome hostel I've ever stayed in. Good times.
waking up in my A2's and actually doing my work which i feel helped to get me into a prestigious university,
split up with my ex (should have been done months ago but im so glad i did) & move out

for my sanitys sake i needed to get out & now im really happy about uni and am looking forward to the social stuff i can do which i didnt do last yr
Doing French over Art A-level
though actually i do miss art :sad: shame i was so rubbish at it
You're still alive, aren't you? And you're talking to us on ihav :p: so you're decisions can't be that bad.
spending time to get to know a girl who my friend introduced to our group but then went and said she was a freak the next day and told us all not to get to know her. Seems some people are misunderstood and I've got the closest friendship I've ever had and they moved in to my house!:D

bar that. Deciding that I didn't actually want to do zoology at Sheffield or Nottingham, because actually I don't want a lab job, I want something more hands-on. So I've picked a slightly more vocational course.
Leaving my secondary school and going to college instead of staying at the school sixth form!
Getting my tongue pierced!
Finally learning to accept myself!
Letting my cat have kittens and ending up with Marmite! (Ok, not my decision but that was one of the best decisions ever made by my mum :D)
Going to that party last weekend instead of the other one!
Watching "No Child of Mine" before it got deleted off 4od!
Redecorating my room!
Having an abortion! (Ok, not best decision, and the opposite would have also been a "best decision" probably, but now I still have the freedom to do all these stupid "best decision-y" things, like going to that party lol)
Going to the secondary school I did and meeting some of the best people in the entire world :D!
That's enough for now :)
Cod is like connect-4 when cs 1.6 is like chess.

That's why being good on cod does not make you a good gamer :yep:
Putting down names from another social group as well as the one that I was in in Year 8 as our classes swapped over in Year 9. I got put with the other social group instead and absolutely loved my class. Year 9 was the best year and I don't regret the times even though by the end of the year, our little group had split up duh to...uh...differences. I would probably have gone crazy if I'd stayed with the original gang. They're awesome but from a distance with a couple of them :laugh: