being home

thinking the same thing

parties will happen

85 of them in my freezer

but seriously any sense of this being illegal?
If you do happen to the only thing i know of that will work to clean it and kill the scent is OdoBan and Oxiclean.

We used the hell out of a gravity bong in my living room and one dude greened out and knocked the bucket over. :crash:
Double post.

I dont think its illegal at all. Youre 16, should be completely fine. It does vary by state though but i believe its a much much younger age.
they aren't going to barge in and lock you up for staying alone.

as long as you are responsible about it and take care of yourself no one will say anything.

if you have house parties and are loud and raise hell, yeah you are gonna be fucked.
yeah i may have small alcohol parties cause i know i have asshole neighbors but certainly gonna have smokathons in here

i always dream of waking up to my alarm with a bong next to it then walking into my kitchen and hitting the bong and making cereal... god damn that would be good
If they come after you, Canada is right there. Just make sure you always have your stuff packed and build some secret underground passages and escape routes.
as long as your dad is paying the bills then it's legal. At 14 you could if you wanted to but you cant be paying the bills.