beginner motorcycle, sport bike 250cc vs. 600cc?


New member
May 5, 2009
I am 6'2'' 205lbs. I drive on all roads and want a sport bike. I have very little experience and will not be riding at 100mph on the shoulder. I know that a 250cc is easier to handle and learn how to ride. However, I have heard that it is not smart for a larger person who wants to ride on highways. what are your thoughts? Thank you for the advice.
I know this is probably not the answer you wanted, but you should get a USED 250cc to learn on, ride a couple thousand miles on it. Then move on to another bike. The argument has been made over and over again that they want to save money and not have to change bikes, so they start on the one that they end up with. The thing is, there will always be something bigger and better. It'll be a lot easier to learn on a smaller bike and it beats wrecking a new bike. Get used, get 250cc, then after some experience, decide what you are looking for next.
You are thinking about this all wrong.

People are under the impression that Sportbikes are all the same except 250s are for beginners 600s are intermediate and 1000s are for experts. Theres much more too it than that.

Motorcycles are highly specialized tools. A shotgun is for fouling, a .270 for deer hunting, a .45 for defense etc. There are no beginner guns, though there are user friendly ones. Bikes are the same way.

You are looking into R6, 600RR GXS-R, ZX-6R etc right? They are highly focused track tools. You want a fun transportation device. Thats like using an uzi to hunt deer.

Without knowing your proficiency, intended use or budget its hard to make a suggestion.
Look into The Suzuki GS500F and GSX650F.

They are stylish, pretty entertaining, comfortable and frugal.
I think you are a big boy, and that the 250 is just too small. I am a smaller female, only 5'3" and I wanted to ride something larger within 5 months. That definitely didn't sound right lol.
Get the 600, it is not any more difficult to learn on than the 250, you wont be stressing the engine and clutch, it will be heavy enough that meeting a bus or semi wont be a thing of terror and it will get almost the same gas mileage and last longer.
Doenst matter how fast you are riding, for road riding a bit larger is better.