"Before I Die..."

"Before I Die..."

after reading some of the other responses, i'd like to add to mine the following goal, aside from being authentic to the values i decide are mine:

at all costs, separate myself from "the mass of men"
"Before I Die..."

I would like to marry the right person and have enough money that it is not a constant worry. I want to be a Sifu and have my own kwoon, and eventually make my own charity or foundation to teach martial arts - like KungFuGrrrl's FOCUS charity, which teaches Chinese martial arts to survivors of domestic violence, which I absolutely love to help/work with. We spend so much time talking and plotting... I want to travel, to write. I've always wanted to write something truly important. I definitely want a family.

Then there are the littler things, like how I want to own real estate, a cafe, buy a couple horses...

I think, in general, that if I can die in peace and knowing that I've done everything that truly mattered to me in my heart, I'll be okay.
"Before I Die..."

I'd love to be able to be as noble and giving as some of the people on this thread. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite a nice person, but I'm all about the money at the moment. I want to live the good life with my fiance and have more than enough to be able to do what we want to do. I probably take it for granted at the moment but I work hard for my money.

The same as most I would love to have children, though not for a few years yet, and be able to have the financial security to actually spend time with them growing up.

I would also love to have my own dojang/gym down the track. I don't know about making it a full time career, but who knows.

Oh, and one other thing. I will have a WRX Sti (but thats just me).
"Before I Die..."

I would have people respond to my posts! They may not be exciting, but they are realistic questions that I REALLY need help on. SO swallow your "Cool" pride and use your experiences to answer some of my realistic questions, with educated/experienced replies of course!" Contribute knowledge/experience, don't "pretend"! I read books and mags as well, but I am looking for first hand, hard hitting experience with sparring gear, not what "Billy-Joe-Jim-Bob" used in the Grand International Trailor Court Finals to win the coveted "padded Seat Cover Award."
"Before I Die..."

What is the perfect life for me?

What would make my life perfect?
I dont want a perfect life.
I enjoy a challenge and the ability to say that
I have endured hardships that no one else has.
Of course I want to be happy .
But at this moment and at this age(17) ,
I dont know what it is that will make me happy ,
but I'm sure having a great time finding out
And I think thats what the best part of life is,
searching for whatever it is that will make you happy
One more thing I do not feel complete, nor do I feel incomplete

Oh Gawd I sound grown up
"Before I Die..."

I try to live each day in the present and to make that day as perfect as I can make it ... but nothing is ever perfect and you can never be truly satisfied otherwise how can you ever strive for improvement?

I think it was Churchill who said "to improve is to change and to be perfect is to change often. "

... and its a good thing 'cos I love change whereas some people fear it !
"Before I Die..."

Not in any order:

1) To find true love.

2) To be an extraordinary parent. (I have a few years before I start worrying about that)

3) To prove to the world and to myself that I am a warrior, and to compete in a fighting league and win more than half of my matches. And forever be known as a martial artist.

4) To have an out-of-body experience

5) Become a 2nd degree black belt (or higher) in 4 or more martial arts.
"Before I Die..."

Read :"Out Of Body Experiences And How to Achieve Them" (30 days to the most exciting experience of your life!) By a guy called Rick Stack. His no nonsense approach is great!
"Before I Die..."

Yes. And I had some good experiences. but much to my shame I didn't stick at it. (I moved to Canada just when I was getting good, but the general mess of sorting out a place to live, getting a job, working kind of got in the way.)

I'd recommend that book coz its dead straigh forward. A lot of New age reading I find tends to be a bit wishy-washy like pointless ceromonies, or tying one topic into another (ie, you would have to be a practicing wiccan and have to perform some elaborate ritual or someting to Project.)

This guy isn't like that. Its just astral projection in a nutshell. He goes through everything, evidence of astral projection, what you can do, common questions, and a step by step guide in how to project.

What I really likeis the fact that he doesn't elaborate on all this spirtiual side, its just left there for you to explore. have a read. I've just given it to one of my mates.

If you do let me know how you get on!!!
"Before I Die..."

I... really don't care, actually. I could die right now and I wouldn't care too much (my family would be sad, only reason I would care). Crappy job, school isn't going as well as I would like it to, no girlfriend, and I have about 7.5 years of that to go before I can think of making my life better. Basically, my future looks so bleak that it wouldn't be much of a loss to die now.

"Before I Die..."

Are you kidding??? She's 65, lives in Switzerland and made a guest apperence on Ellen yesterday. She even sang Proud Mary for the first time in Many many years. Rock on!!!