Bear vs. Giant Squid

Is either one a robot?

And what are their past fight records?

Or is this the "mystical" bear and "mystical" giant squid that everyone's been talking about?

Personally I see the lygar sneaking up on both of them and taking it all.

- Matt

ps. or possibly a the cheat... but he'll probably be too busy robbing thier houses during the fight for the inevitable garage sale.
Beautiful! A Napolean Dynamite reference AND a Strongbad reference in one densely packed piece of genius. Bravo!
Maybe we should ask these guys.....
When on TEH STR33T (TM) the squid will obviously have to grapple, but if there’s other bears around his gonna get owned

And training with salmon does work...
What can I say, the UFC had already been done so I couldn't invoke the grapple.

Of course we should note since there's a Gracie shirt of a fighter armbarring gorilla floating around they may have been secretly training for this type of thing for years.

(I just wish I could find a picture of the darn shirt 'cause it's pretty spectacular).

- Matt
Hmm, Animal Face Off seems to reckon that bears get pwned by pretty much everything except small crocodiles.

It looks like the squid has the advantage here.
please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock please lock . . . . . .

We never got a solid answer, I asked a few posts ago.

At least we got a pseudo-scientific answer from Animal Faceoff, the WWE of the Discovery Channel!

At least this is a fun and goofy useless thread, lol.
Land sea and airborne???

Squids aren't maofftopicls! You're completely making the squid helpless by taking away its traditional and secret deadly fighting style! You've crippled it in favor of the new generation of fighters represented by the bear! If you allowed the squid to fight on its own terms and trulky go no-hold-barred it would be t3h d3eadly.

Wow, it sounds just as silly here as in other threads
Can squids even move on land? I think the squid would just end up doing some crazy breakdance on the ground whilst trying to get the bear, which would sit there laughing (in a bear sort of way) and slapping the squid with fresh salmon it had just caught.
Hmmm, thinking about it now, how does the airborne fight take place? Is it airborne as in there both fired from a cannon/some kind of giant slingshot at each other?
I propose the fight take place in a neutral environment. Outer the bear can be armed with a light saber, the squid gets a Corellian blaster. Both shoudl wear silver spandex leotards...becuase that's what everyone in the future wears.

Now THAT's being silly.
