Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez's friendship is still going strong


Jun 17, 2007
Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez have a lot in common that most people couldn't begin to understand. After all, how many people can say they hit over 600 career home runs, were involved in controversies that were larger than their chosen profession, and at times were the most hated person in sports?*
Not a lot. In fact, there are only two who come to mind who fit that exact description, and those two men are Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez
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With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that these two enigmatic personalities have been able to bond and form a friendship based around their unique experiences. But not just any friendship, a friendship that both men cherish. The latter being quite evident based on a photo and caption Bonds posted on Instagram this weekend. **

The caption attached read:
The Great thing about friendship is others opinions do not matter. Love you buddy and it was so great to spend time with you and your family. Give your daughters a big hug again from me. @arod #friendship #family
Seriously, good for them.*You can love them, hate them and accuse them of whatever you want, but sometimes we just have to move on to move forward. That's what both men have helped each other do, and indeed that is the basis of a great friendship.*
For Bonds, moving forward means taking on his newest challenge as Miami Marlins hitting coach. Many have said that Bonds excels as a mentor, so that should help him connect with his new players. Then again, the day-to-day interaction and the pressure to keep every hitter on track will be something different, and therein lies his true challenge.*
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As for A-Rod, he's looking to continue his climb in several offensive categories. Most notably, he's just 13 home runs shy of reaching 700 and 28 away from passing Babe Ruth for second on the all-time list. If that happens, only Barry Bonds will be ahead of him.*
Yes, both men were smiling while enjoying each other's company on their last free night of the spring. But both men had a lot on their minds too. That's because when it comes to moving forward, the wheels have to keep on turning. *
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813