Barack Obama in Muslim Prophecy?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Bukhari vol. 6 book 60 #159

"The Hour will not be established until THE SUN RISES FROM THE WEST: and when people see it, then whoever will be living on the surface of the Earth will have faith..."

Put it this way, when its becomes a common sight for people to see somehow the sun rising over the West, somehow giving them faith/hope, then the End is near. Keep in mind the US is the ultimate symbol of the West.

This is the Obama symbol... it complies with the scripture in all its criteria. This symbol is the sun rising over the West (US flag), its now a common sight resembling Obama, who gives people faith and hope (messiah like appeal).

Does this mean he may be the Antichrist? I'm no Muslim, but I do have a discerning eye... what does this mean Muslims?
To David: I think you misunderstood my friend. Look at the link I am saying the Obama symbol is the the sun rising over the West.... because well thats just what it is. Obama is whats giving everyone faith and hope... I'm not saying the US is the rising sun.
Nice job changing your name DAVID to
Jeez! You guys still have not got over the fact that the intelligent, good looking guy with the dark skin won.
Considering the term 'West' was not used in such a way when the Koran was written, no.

Plus, if you were consider the US the 'rising sun', then it would probably have been a president in the early- to mid-20th century, when in fact the US was a rising power. Now, the US is a dominant power. In essence, the correct metaphor for the status of the United States would probably be along the lines of a 'midday sun' or something like that.

And how the hell did you get the Antichrist involved in this?
Im a Muslim & idk whether he is Muslim or Not.But as far as muslim are concern they are not having any hope from him.This is the impression till now.Idk about future.We Muslims only keep hope from Allah not from any human being.
Now,coming to Hadith.My friend you a quoted the Hadith correctly but your elaboration is not right.
Abu Hurayra(R.A.) narrated..that the messenger of Allah (SAW) said :" The day of the hour will not come until the sun rises from the west, if it rises and the people saw it they will all believe, when a time where nothing will be accepted anymore of believe the truth"
This Hadith is one of the sign of Day of judment means that when day of judgement will be near.It will happen..
The science of astronomy states that the speed of planet Mars has been decreasing in its course toward the eastern direction in the few past weeks to the level we notice the "waver" between the east and the west..and on Wednesday the 30th of July the planet movement stopped going toward the eastern direction..Then in the months of August and September...Mars changed its course in the opposite direction to the West- and that until the end of September..which means the sun will rise now from the west on Mars!!And this weird phenomena of the opposite movement called "Retrograde Motion" Most scientist state that all the planets will go through the same once at least and our planet Earth is one of them. Planet Earth will move in the opposite direction some day and the sun will rise from the west.
well, lol, I do think he's the Antichrist, but not because he's Muslim.

As for Obama not being Muslim. That's bs. He said his faith was Muslim on ABC. I don't CARE that he's Muslim...I just wish he'd admit it and not lie about his faith. More power to him that he's Muslim. I'm sick to death of Christian politicians. But Obama does fit the many prophecies about the antichrist. But we won't know for three years if he's really the one. and by then, it'll be too late and we'll all be screwed according to Revelations. lol

No one is pissed that a dark skinned guy got elected. They are pissed that a ignorant full of himself pig got elected and is throwing the country away. Do some research you blind morons!
Are you kidding?

You could apply that nonsense to ANYONE if you're determined enough. The stuff you are referencing could have easily applied to John F. Kennedy too.

Besides...there is a lot more that just the US to the west of the Middle East. There's Brazil and Chile and Mexico for starters. If you go far enough you'll hit Japan. Go even farther and...oops. You end up where you started.

So what if Obama is popular in the US? We have had other popular presidents too. Suddenly it's a bad sign when people actually like someone? No wonder Bush was trying so hard to get himself despised by the rest of the world.

More to the point, what is a Christian doing trying to interpret Muslim prophecy? Muslim "prophecies" are utterly irrelevant to Christian mythology just like Aztec, Sumerian, Mayan, and Jainism "prophecies" are.

He is not your Antichrist. He is a democrat. (Though I realize that in the eyes of the Republicans that means the same thing.) He is an ordinary human being who happens to have been elected President of the United States. When he leaves office, another one will replace him. And so on and so on until the US ceases to be a democaracy.
Are you kidding?

You could apply that nonsense to ANYONE if you're determined enough. The stuff you are referencing could have easily applied to John F. Kennedy too.

Besides...there is a lot more that just the US to the west of the Middle East. There's Brazil and Chile and Mexico for starters. If you go far enough you'll hit Japan. Go even farther and...oops. You end up where you started.

So what if Obama is popular in the US? We have had other popular presidents too. Suddenly it's a bad sign when people actually like someone? No wonder Bush was trying so hard to get himself despised by the rest of the world.

More to the point, what is a Christian doing trying to interpret Muslim prophecy? Muslim "prophecies" are utterly irrelevant to Christian mythology just like Aztec, Sumerian, Mayan, and Jainism "prophecies" are.

He is not your Antichrist. He is a democrat. (Though I realize that in the eyes of the Republicans that means the same thing.) He is an ordinary human being who happens to have been elected President of the United States. When he leaves office, another one will replace him. And so on and so on until the US ceases to be a democaracy.
1. Barack Obama is not a Muslim
2. Barack Obama is not a Freemason conspirator
3. Barack Obama is a Christian
4. Also, the world will not end in 2012