Baltic Cruise and Norther Europe Travel Advice?


New member
May 22, 2013
A friend is interested in a Baltic Cruise and asked me to do some research. The cruise leaves Copenhagen and visits Kiel (with connections to Hamburg) and Warnemunde (with connection to Berlin). Is there anything significant in Kiel or Warnemunde? Can you see a reasonable amount of Hamburg or Berlin in one day (each) without crazy rushing?

Also, since flights from New York to Copenhagen are so expensive, it seems more cost effective to fly into either Frankfurt or Munich (or Berlin or Hamburg) and then take the ICE around Germany, making it to Copenhagen before the cruise leaves. Any thoughts?

Also, one of the destinations the cruise doesn't go to surprisingly is Oslo? Is that not a major spot? The cruise also goes to Tallin, Estonia, what's significant there?

I can only answer the last part of your question.Most of the tourists visit Tallinn old town which is mainly from 14th century.I think that this should give you additional information: