bake sale w/ friend? HELP!?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
ok, so me and my friend are having a bake sale, right?
so, this is what she's bringing: soda, cinnamon rolls, a cake, and bowls/plates
this is what i'm bringing: brownies, cookies, special cookies, muffins, apples, oranges, strawberries, cherries, ice cream and water bottles.

anyway, the stuff she's bringing the only thing she had to buy was cinnamon rolls and a cake mix. i had to buy EVERYTHING. and so i talked to her a week ago about how we should get rid of something on the list *hinting something off my list* but she just got rid of the cake...
what should i do? our bake sale is on saturday, and i spent soo much money on stuff. help!

and if i say i won't do something she'll be like "well, like u already bought it so..."
what would YOU do in this situation?
I would just not really care. Some people put more efourt into thingsd then others. Maybe she had more of the stuff at home so she just did not need to buy much. You should be proud that you did more because that means you put more work into what you do. I hope this helped.
