[B] What are these for?[/B]


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Does anyone know what these are for- I found them on ebay when browsing through:
They look like some kind of medieval version of batsmens' gloves in cricket.

But with sharp pointy fingers.
They're to reinforce the fact you have a finger in every pie, and if anyone tries to steal your pies they're going to get sliced, diced and put in a pie
[Announcer voice]
Friends, have you ever looked over at an important company dinner and found little Johnny mining for nose-nuggets to the horrified looks of co-workers? Don't let this happen again with our new patented Ronco Anti-Nose Picking Gloves. Say goodbye to those embarrassing moments and to boogers under the end table. Get yours today!
An early design for boxing gloves. Obviously they didn't catch on with the majority of pro-fighters today, but during the middle ages...