Audi or BMW???????????

I like BMW's better because they can be more businessman like, but there are versions that are un-buisnessman like. Audis or too tidy. Even though the Audi has better build quality, the BMW's are better at everything else(excluding ride comfort, with those unchangable run flat tires).
bmw....!!!! audi are for women... u can picture ur girlfriend in one but a beemer is made for cool guys... drug dealers mafia men ..:p
BMW..... You can call an Audi whatever you want, but it's just an upgraded Volkswagen. I'm not just saying that. Compare the models and you'll see what I mean. BMW is a much better car and it's not a knock-off upgrade of a more pedestrian car. Plus BMW has the driving dynamics that hasn't been matched by anything else out there. I wish this wasn't true because I'm a fan of another brand, but it is true.