Auckland to get hands-on with the latest tech at Spark Lab


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Creative Auckland will have the chance to get up close with the latest innovations and innovators next month, as Spark Lab launches Tech Month.Throughout March, Spark Lab is hosting 12 free events from leading tech brands and entrepreneurs - giving hands-on access to the tech experts who are shaping the future.
The line-up will range from a show and tell with global icon Google, to a ‘pitch your best app idea’ competition with Kiwi start-up Putti. Dai Henwood is hosting a new tech vs. old tech comedy debate and Fuji are bringing along a 3D printer for attendees to try out. There is even a Back to the Future screening to mark the year 2015 - with some futuristic giveaways up for grabs.
Gamers will have the opportunity to get their hands on some of the latest virtual reality tech on the market, with insider tips from Creative Coast, and the newest Oculus Rift Headsets to play with. PlayStation are also bringing their A game, at an ‘AllStars’ event, where special guests will be at the ready to be challenged by participants.
Spark CEO for Home, Mobile and Business, Chris Quin, says Tech Month at Spark Lab will give people room to explore and unleash their potential in this rapidly progressive industry.
“The days of new technology being the sphere of the geeks are over. Tech is integral to how we live, how we work and how we create – and I am still constantly surprised by the way it is revolutionising everything from fitness to fashion to philanthropy.
“As we start to unlock the Internet of Things more and more - the opportunities for future innovation are endless. Tech Month at Spark Lab will be a rare opportunity to interact with the people leading this movement, to be inspired by the latest in technological development, and to unleash your own game-changing ideas.”
Quin says Spark Lab embodies the company’s "Never Stop Starting" philosophy and emphasised it is not limited to industry newcomers or Spark customers.
"This is about bringing people together to talk about how we as New Zealanders are playing in this space, and – more importantly – to think about what’s possible in the future, so while we may have a few customer-only events, for the most part Spark Lab is open to everyone."
Throughout February, Spark Lab hosted a sold out Fashion Month. In the coming months, the spotlight is being placed on film, food and beverage, architecture and design.
Spark Lab is the result of a collaboration between Spark and Shine Limited. Events are all free to attend but are expected to fill up fast. RSVPs for Tech Month open today.
