Attention all the nonbelievers of Christ... Why are you following Satan,YOU...


New member
Jul 3, 2010
...HAVE BEEN FOOLED? You think you don't believe in anything but BY defying GOD
You will be automatically following Satan
Matthew 12:30

And that book of yours "On The Origin of Species" was inspired by satan
To make you believe in THE MYTH OF Evilution
And all those sLIEntists that followed Darwin's work were actually satanists pretending to be christians like Mendel the Catholic monk.

Catholics are not really Christians and are just satanists pretending to be followers of Christ so they can trick us actual Christians into believeing such lies like Genetics.
There is no such thing as genetics. The fact that the off springs have traits of parents can be explained by the fact that it was God's will to do so.
So, according to you, Satan is the one who showed us the way to understanding how life works, which led to massive improvements in medicine, food production, and may yet eliminate most diseases? Satan is the one who wants us to live longer, healthier, happier lives?


Also, no matter what OS you are using, it was designed by an atheist. Windows, AppleOS, Linux, all the core developers were unbelievers. Yahoo's founders? One atheist, one Buddhist.

Of course, all gods and devils are just myths. So your warnings mean as much as someone warning me that the Nazgul are coming for my beer.
In mythology, trolls are often seen as fearsome creatures. In the modern world however, trolls are simply boring humans that are too pathetic to be anything more than annoying. Bet you wish you were mythological instead now...
Let me get this straight; Some book says that because I don't believe in any gods I must also be "following satan", and I'm supposed to take this book seriously? N*gga please...

Reading your comments further, it is apparent that you just hate everybody who believes something different than you, and you REALLY hate people who are smarter than you. Have a nice life.
"Genetics was an idea created by the Catholic monk, Gregor Mendel. CATHOLICS are not really Christians and are just SATANISTS pretending to be followers of Christ so they can hallucinate us actual Christians. Gregor Mendel, the Catholic, created genetics as a means of deceiving us Christians into believing the LIES of SATAN.

And even those scLientists you speak of like Darwin and Dawkins were POSSESSED by satan"

From a question posted yesterday by a're not even original or're just a troll