Atlanta race prospects: wet, wet and more wet


Jun 17, 2007

ATLANTA - Here's where we are in regard to the possibility of racing on Sunday night in Atlanta: rain was pouring so hard around 5 p.m. Eastern that it was bouncing off the pavement.

The rumors, as they are wont to do, are flowing fast and furious around Atlanta Motor Speedway. There's a 90-minute window to run the race! There's no chance it'll run tonight! The race will run Tuesday! No, Wednesday! No, on Monday, September 12!

So, yes, as you can see, nobody knows anything. Around 5:30, the skies lightened enough to let Lynyrd Skynyrd take the stage, accompanied by jet dryers in the backstretch. Drivers have been told that their traditional prerace intros may be curtailed in order to get the race rolling; the start time has already been moved up 20 minutes to 7:30.

There's the question, of course, of why NASCAR didn't move the time of the race up several hours. But while that can be done on a Saturday night dirt-track race, it can't be done when you've got millions of dollars of broadcast time at stake and broadcasting agreements already in place. It just can't be done.

We'll keep you posted. Settle in, friends, this could be the 72 Hours of Atlanta.