Atheists if you complain so much of the straving people in Africa , why


New member
Feb 3, 2013
dont you help them?
I did not ask you is there a God because there isnt. I asked could you stop complaining and do something instead of bashing non-existing fictional character on Yahoo Ask
I wasn't aware that atheists complain about the starving people in Africa. I thought atheists were the ones not believing in god(s).
We're not the ones who think there's an all-powerful, all-loving god who sits around watching children starve to death. Quit trying to shift that to us.
Africa isn't in a mess because of God, its in a mess because of Humanity. Corruption and Chroneism has resulted in the continent with the most abundance in natural resources and far less people then Asia, Europe and the America's, is the poorest continent in the world. This is because of Man and corruption AKA SIN
Help them? Help them what? Give them scraps of food so they can go on to live another meaningless day of their lives while uncontrollably giving birth to children with aids and other diseases?

You ever heard of natural selection? It still exist. Sad to say there's no real hope for those people and best case scenario they realize that themselves and stop reproducing like rabbits.

If you honestly think it's morally right for those people to be giving birth to children realizing they have no future, realizing they'll be born with aids than you're a sick person.
I've donated over $100,000 to Africa
As religion corrupts charity, all was to non religious groups helping business start ups and health issues such as clean drinking water, vaccinations etc.

What have you done?
There is enough food in the world to feed the starving many times over. What happens to it ?
I don't complain, I've done 3 humanitarian work so far, don't plan on stopping now.. In fact, I never heard any atheist "complain" about it.. Where are coming from with this?
Because they are powerless (money, transportation, stuff like that), unlike God who is supposed to be both loving and powerful.
I'm a poor mofo. Low on the cash. But I've actually donated money to provide clean water to people in Africa. Whatchu know bout charity, hater?
Atheists aren't responsible for starvation. Some are actively trying to help. Other's have alternate causes. Some, find there own situation more of a cause for concern. I, personally cannot help starving Africa without it compromising the well being of my own family right now. So, until I can, I shall not. When I can, I will. And, being a South African, I'd naturally be starting in Africa, but more particularly South Africa, and even more so my province, district and town. Passing starving and homeless people en route to the airport to fly to an African country to help is mindless.
OK, let me have the job as allmighty god and I will because obviously your present god likes starvation.
Why do you conclude that pointing out God does nothing prevents us from doing things ourselves?
There seems to be several steps missing here.