Atheists, I hear complaints about Christians who try to shove their


New member
Aug 5, 2008
religion down your throats? are you talking about places like this forum, or does this happen to you in your everyday life? I had a lady at Wal Mart try to give me a flyer from her church a few months ago. She was very nice when I refused it, but other than that I can't remember the last time that someone tried to preach to me and I live in the bible belt. And the JW and Mormons haven't come to my door in years. I was just wondering how often someone tries to preach to you when you are just minding your own business.
and what city or state do you live in where this happens? thanks
We get JW's about every weekend and Mormons every once in a while, I don't make friends with people that bring their religion up all the time, but my mother-in-law is one of them and all the people she knows is like that.
Ohio. We get Jehovah's every now and then. I used to work in a bookstore, and we'd have a few religious nutjobs ask about a title and then berate an employee for not reading and not believing in their god or prophet. They'd also hide those mini-pamphlets in books, which the anti-abortion radical faction would do too. Most of the shoving comes from people I know personally, who believe the wrong denomination, let alone not believing in God, is enough to send you to hell. And because they want you saved, they get pretty into it. Even when I was attending weekly mass and everything with my Catholic parents, I went to a youth entertainment center with a Baptist friend who forced a surprise spiritual intervention on me with her pastor. It's not as common from strangers unless I'm at a gay rights rally.

What gets shoved down my throat is usually secondary from religion invading our government, our classrooms, our hospitals, our bedrooms, etc.
People who are happy and want to share their joy, try to do so ALL THE TIME! So, it's natural for people who've found a sense of comfort, peace, and joy within God (or by finding God) wanting to share it with others.
I never get any greif about it, and I live smack dab in Republican Kansas. I just try to avoid confrontaion in real life, and just take whatever they give me nicely. If you don't argue, they usually don't say much.
I live in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee which will go nameless, and I have people pretty regularly "witnessing" to me, including a woman who actually burst into prayer and "tongues" while we were chatting in a grocery store parking lot...
I've been mentally shoved in a bunch of classes I've had. I had to drop my philosophy class this semester because the professor just talked about how stupid we atheists are the whole time. Keep in mind this was a public school.

My grandpa does it a lot. He's the most Christian conservative I've ever met.

My brother wore a pentagram necklace to Wal-mart, and some woman started yelling that this is a Christian nation and he should get out.

I know some people who are "worried about my soul" and try to "steer me back in the right direction."

Christian politicians are trying to make laws to prohibit human rights (no gay marriage, etc), so as long as I live in America, there are some laws that shove their values down my throat.
Well, I think I should try the cookie trick. Put the best frosting with the words, 'My Religion' and tempt those Atheists with it.

And also I could frost them with other crafty words like, 'love', 'Jesus!', 'trust', 'obey'. A whole cooky jar full of them.

And we will see who gets into the cookie jar.
im not atheist, but yes i have had a few people try to shove christianity down my throat.

at a church once this women told meif i believe in reincarnation, then i dont belong in a church and strted talking about how christianity is better than other religons trying to convice me to become christian.


in my philosophy class this kid who know one likes because he tries to push hiw views on people to much not just me. He called me idiotic for not thinking that the superior being i believe in is not "god", not to mention he totally called out a girl and told her she had no right to live because she believed we are just biological beings and just die out.

this was in new york

but honestly that was about it, telling the truth a lot of christians are nice.. just dont aggravate them and say well i dont believe in god, which i know ppl like to do just to instigate something.. But its like with all religions, the fanatics are the annoying ones, they just dont accept people for their beliefs.. tht is what annoys me and when they bring it up and you just want to be like, seriously i didnt ask for your opinion. But in general people arent like that.
I think it is funny how atheists complain about all the Christians that try to turn them to Christianity when they are in the R&S section..
A crazy guy at the farmer's market today almost choked me to death with a pamphlet.
A crazy guy at the farmer's market today almost choked me to death with a pamphlet.
I'm a Christian, and while I have to admit that I almost admire the diligence and single-minded determination of the JWs and Mormons, I still disagree in every way with their theology. (Wish Bible-believing Christians were as diligent in their efforts to evangelize, though.) The Mormons have stopped coming to my house, I'm guessing because of the dialogue that's taken place between us on several occasions. The JWs, on the other hand, will not knock anymore because of similar dialogues I've had with their 'missionaries', but they still leave their pamphlets wedged in my front door. I wish they'd quit littering on my property, as they know full-well what I'm going to do with it.
Honey, I spent 7 years working at the front desk of a hotel. Apparently thats a signal to morons that you are ripe for the picking because its happened to me often. And those idiots know that you can't refuse their crap and you can't be rude to the morons because its your job to be polite. You wouldn't believe the number of fliers and business cards I've gotten from churches over the years.

I wish they wouldn't waste the trees on that stupid crap.
People exercising their democratic rights is as much showing of their beliefs as anyone else who votes to have their beliefs reflected in law.
I think your all under horrible conviction and trying to hide from it. You just can't stand to have anyone mention God to you. Especially Jesus. It's like someone with fingernails scratching a chalk board. But you are running in the wrong direction try running to him instead of away from him. I have to apologize (Not really) i'm a bit mischievous. If i know the name Jesus bothers you then i have a button to push, the Jesus button and anytime i want to here you squeal i just push your button.... Jesus, Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus,Jesus, Jesus Loves YOU!
And so the name Gods problem child. One of these days he's gonna grab me by the ear and say "come on son leave the unbelievers alone." :)
I'm very intimidating in person, when it comes to argumentation... So I mostly get Christians trying to cram their beliefs down my throat here.

... One of my greatest victories was to make a Jehovah Witness cry after explaining to her what the passages she used to recruit me really meant.

(I'm ashamed of having reduced her to tears, but I'm proud of managing to make a point)


I live in Eastern Canada... religious debates are rare here, given that over 50% of the population is either Atheist or Agnostic.
I live in Missouri. I'm always finding religious flyers that people have placed on store shelves. BTW, this causes more work for the workers because they have to collect them and throw them away. Unfortunately, as soon as the weather warms up, the Baptists will be going door-to-door here. They also leave flyers on car windshields at the stores (I hate that!) Most people just pull them off and they litter the parking lots.