Atheist's humor is perverted?


New member
Oct 4, 2011
So pedophilia is still funny to atheists? Even when trying to prove a point?

Posted by Jesus Christ the IV

Will you prey for the young children?
I just feel so bad for the young children of the world. There is so much bad stuff happening that they are going to have to live through for the rest of their lives. We should all prey for them. I have been preying for the children for about 3 years now, but I need your help. Try meeting a child in the park and just really get to know them. They would appreciate it.

Proverbs 14:9
Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.

2 Chronicles 36:16
But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.

Psalm 35:16
With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.
Just because one atheist is telling a sick joke doesn't mean that you should go and generalize all atheists. How many paedophiles do you think there are in the Catholic church? You would say that question was a generalization, wouldn't you?
No. This is not "atheistic humor" but rather the perverted humor of ONE person.

Try to avoid making such sweeping generalizations, which is ALSO perverted behavior.
WHOA, so I made a few spelling errors and you just immediately think of pedophilia? What is wrong with you? Your mind is so perverted that you take a message of hope and turn it into something disgusting. I cannot believe people like you still exist in this world. I hope you never have children.
They don't have parents who could teach them about how to behave in Public..that's why

What you learn here will reflect your life in Outside world.?? If you occupy your mind with perverted humor then you would act perverted everywhere.. Peace
So ONE atheists has a sick sense of humour, therefore atheists in general do?

Ok, several muslims fly planes into buildings, and a couple of christians blow up a doctors house, meaning they all do. Right?
Do you have any appreciation for how ridiculous this question makes you sound? You have taken one inane comment from one person and extrapolated a mindset for an entire group. That would be like me looking at the Westboro Baptist Church clan and saying they are representative of anyone who believes in God.
Hey religions have been preying on humans for thousands of years and you idiots thought they were praying for you! HAHAHAHA Stop pretending that atheists are pedo's when every body knows it is Catholic Priests that like all the little children of the world for sex and inculcation!
Let's see, is committing human sacrifice for our sins perverted? Yes.

Is cannibalism perverted? Yes.

And yet, the book you base everything on condones it. Hypocrisy is a core Christian value.
i'd like to make the point that not one entire group can be judged by one person within it. if we judged all christians based on what a singular christian did, we could just as easily choose hitler as the pope.
George Carlin was a shinning example that it is perverted. But this goes without saying. Naturally someone who is in rebellion against God and has a perverted mind would find that which is perverted funny.
Why is it you people think when one person does or thinks something we must all do the same? Not true.